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Earth is not a perfect sphere, so the formula used for calculating the volume of a sphere is not completely accurate: 4/3r3, where is the mathematical constant equal to 3.14159 and r the radius of the Earth. Earth diameter at the equator is 12756.75 km and therefore the radius is exactly half or 6378.375 km. After taking into account the most advanced methods of calculation, the following values are generally accepted:. wholesale jerseys from china On June 4, 2018, the remains of what is most likely a predatory Allosaurus were sold to the highest bidder at the Aguttes auction house in Paris, France. Nearly 30 feet (9.1 meters) long and 70 percent complete, it's valuable in more ways than one. Like all fossils, these bones are ambassadors from an earlier time. wholesale jerseys from china wholesale nfl jerseys from china The map update itself is the cause of this issue. It causes the device to lock up. 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